From tommorrow onwards shoppers of Llanrwst and the rest of Wales will have to pay 5p for a plastic shopping bag. New laws have been passed by Llywodraeth Cymru so to reduce our usage of plastic bags.
John Griffiths, the Minister for Enviroment commented:
What do the shoppers of Llanrwst think? Please leave a comment.
Agree with the Tax or not, Spar Llanrwst will be donating all carrier bag profits to 'The Snowdonia Society'. Established in 1967, the Society works to ensure the beauty and diversiry of the National Park's landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage remain for present and future generations to enjoy.
Agree with the Tax or not, Spar Llanrwst will be donating all carrier bag profits to 'The Snowdonia Society'. Established in 1967, the Society works to ensure the beauty and diversiry of the National Park's landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage remain for present and future generations to enjoy.